Indoor & Outdoor Classes

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Indoor & Outdoor Classes

BVA aims at moulding and nurturing a strong community of future-ready citizens and leaders of tomorrow, sensitive to the winds of change and yet committed to living with responsibility, maintaining a delicate balance between traditional values and modern ethos.

The School which had welcomed twenty children in a distant summer has spread its rainbow wings in much the same way as its students have. 

The school has an engaging and stimulating play area for Kindergarten students. These play areas have safe and world-class equipment that provide the little ones with a rich learning atmosphere, where they can learn life skills and team building in the play-way method.

Our Indoor Play Area provides ample space to students to ride tricycles, play ball, and run and play with their friends. Also, the play area of our kindergarten is well-equipped with two-way rockers, coupe cars, slides, ball pool, tunnels, and soft toys. Various toy musical instruments are available in the activity room. Pretend play toys in the indoor play area help students to experiment with social and emotional roles in life.

The outdoor play area of the kindergarten is well-equipped with slides, swing, and see-saw where students enjoy in the natural environment. Outdoor activities like running, jumping, and skipping help in developing gross motor skills and eye-hand coordination.

Playing both indoors and outdoors enhances social, emotional, and intellectual abilities. Students learn problem-solving and other life skills while playing individually and in groups. The play facilitators are proactive and highly vigilant with the little ones to ensure that they are safe at all the times. The kids are supervised when they use the play equipment. Safety rules are explained to the students and reinforced on a regular basis.